|| _sibibusi_ ||
/ˈsi.biˌbu.si/: (n.) cloudburst
Compound of sibi (“to sweep, the sweeping”) and busi (“forest, jungle”), said because the heavy rain is thought to sweep the forest clean like a broom. For me, sibibusi is a very personal piece; it’s the first piece I released that directly deals with my motherland Suriname. It is quite a nostalgic work, in a way. I was thinking about the last time I had visited my family there, and how the rain had been full, bright, unrelenting, embracing; how my mother and I had danced and cherished it. I wanted to reconstruct a memory, to make a digital dream of the phenomenon sibibusi. Actually, when my grandmother heard another piece of mine called stormcloud_moving for the first time, the first thing she said to me was: “It was amazing! I heard the sibibusi!”. That gave me a spark to work with it, I think.